Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I have a new document camera-an elmo-thanks to my PTO and my principal Kim Miller. I knew I would like it, but after one day, I'm loving it! Switching back and forth between the computer display and the document is easy, and this allows students to bring their work up for display and participation in seconds. Looking forward to a nice year with elmo and watching other teachers as they use their in the classrooms!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Students Charting their own Progress

I'm taking the Summer Tech Tune up class with the fabulous Mark Richardson, and have made a few great discoveries that are going to help students chart their own progress in Latin class this year.

1st, excel now has a quick graph feature that gives selected cells in a graph. So if a student has a template and is recording progress on vocabulary mastery from a pre-test to 1st formative assessment to 2nd assessment, they can see something like this:

The student can clearly see improvement over time (this is a best-case-scenario graph). But have they made the connection between the activities and practice and their improvement? That's what I want to know.

The final step needs to be reflection from the student that helps make the cause and effect crystal clear to them (and me).

So, by responding to some quick questions in a google form will give me the information that I need.

Closing the loop with feedback and getting improved results. That would be nice!