Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Festina Lente (Make haste slowly)

Lots to do in a short time, and it needs to be done deliberately.

The beginning of Iron Lady is going well.  Margaret Thatcher is quite the interesting character to read about.  Since I was a teen when she and Reagan were ruling, I have vivid memories of discussions from classes and in my home about her. I am enjoying getting to know her as a young woman, her years in Grantham, and what made her who she would become.  Perhaps it's the "context" in me that's making it resonate.

Personal mission statement is slow going.  I have lots of notes, but getting it into a coherent whole is a challenge.  That's okay, it will be worth it.

Going my own on technology, that I administer remedies to myself, is actually going well!  After an hour of working around a glitch at 2:30 AM last night, had a breakthrough and celebrated by dancing on the beach.  And it's my victory.  (Well, I have to give credit to all the people who taught me along the way, but hey, my little victory, right?)  Thanks to the people who taught me to fish instead of just serving me fish.  (like tech guy and K.G. and K.D.)

Finally, being with family (all 24 of us) at the beach for the annual vacation is same as ever-reaffirming!  Shout out to one member of the family who couldn't make it because he's in Afghanistan.  Go, S.Z.!

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